Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Collecting Continues!

Oh my what a day! I've been on my feet all day long today, and I'm so happy to have an excuse to post so I can sit down!

Leah and I went yard-saling, or more accurately yard-dregging, where we picked up all of the remains of some local yard sales. (Leah did this all while suffering with an abscessed tooth. She's one tough cookie!) We were asking for the dregs, the leftovers, the discarded, bound-for-DI items that nobody else wanted. Lest you think that means you shouldn't come to my yard sale in a few weeks, let me assure you we found some decent stuff.

Some of the dregs were about what you'd expect; cassette tapes and their accumulated dust from the last 20 years, books that everyone already owns, small appliances that I couldn't identify because I don't think they've been used since my Grandma's time. You know what I'm talking about.

But we also found some stuff that I was pretty pleased with. Three sets of golf clubs, tvs, computer monitors, and furniture like shelves, tables, and a bed frame. There were also the fun rare finds like some cute unused designer decor--complete with matching paint, some fun copper cookware, and some really unique children's books of rhymes and fairy tales. Now those were just the things I thought were fun and interesting. If you ask my husband I'm sure he'd give you a whole different list of what was worthwhile in the loads we brought in!

It was a lot of work and it took us all day long to get that much. So seriously, anything anyone wants to contribute to the cause would be wonderful. My feet will thank you! (Unless feet gross you out. Then we'll just leave them out of it.)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Donations Donations!

Today was an extremely generous day from friends and neighbors. Even those of you who are strangers get to be classified as friends now! :)

The donations are coming in, both for the yard sale and through the blog. Today brought us $200 closer to our goal!

I'm still looking for anything that people might be getting rid of that I could sell. All proceeds will go to the Abbotts. You can contribute in a few different ways:

1) If you hold your own yard sale donate whatever you don't sell to me for my own yard sale.

2) Clean out those closets, garages, etc. Bring any and all unwanted items you have to me. Please leave information regarding what kind of shape appliances, electronics, etc are in. When people ask me questions about how something works I want to have something to tell them before they buy it.

3) You can also donate freshly baked goods (to be dropped off the night before)

4) I'm going to be holding a silent auction at the yard sale for services or skills. I've already got a few people willing to donate their skills that people can then bid on. The highest bid wins! If you have a special talent or skill that you'd be willing to donate to the cause just let me know.

5) Too many pennies? Bring them to my yard sale and unload them on the Abbotts! There will be a donation money jar out for whatever loose change you might need to get rid of.

6) And of course it will be a yard sale with great deals so feel free to come and check out whatever treasures you might find!

As of now I'm looking at doing the yard sale June 26th and 27th. As the date gets closer I'll be able to say for sure how firm that is. But for now it gives us something to shoot for.

Thanks so much for all of the generosity and support you've all given. It's been a huge help for Tom and Leah and Chad, and it's super exciting to be a part of!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Break of DAWN!!

Leah was telling me the other day that they've run into a few items like dishes and silverware that are completely black. Her hope was to scrub at them until they were clean again and could be used. They tried using oxiclean. They tried using baking soda. They tried laundry detergent. Nothing seemed to be working until they broke out the Dawn dish soap. When I asked Leah how it worked for them her response was, "I have to write the company, Crystal! It's literally eating off the soot and fire marks!"
The Abbotts are taking numerous lessons from this experience, not the least of which is that Dawn is a handy thing to have around!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sarah Craig and a friend were out taking pictures for a photography class when they passed the Abbott home. Seeing Tom and Chad digging through the rubble they asked for a few shots. Here's some of what Sarah passed on to Leah.




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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Buried Treasure


Over the years Leah has collected special mementos in a blue suitcase. Her baton twirling outfit from when she was ten, an autograph from Liberace, newspaper clippings from the moon landing, and other such treasured items. When the suitcase was found in the rubble the top had bowed and curled, and it was pretty certain there was damage. It took Leah a few days before she was brave enough to open the case to determine what had survived and what was lost forever. Not surprisingly most of the paper materials were destroyed. However, there was one cherished item that survived.

When Leah was young her family did a lot of moving around. After one particular move Leah found herself living near horse stables. Many of her new friends had horses, so naturally Leah quickly decided that more than anything in the world she wanted a horse for her birthday. She did all of the appropriate priming a child does in such situations. She made it clear to her Dad that her heart had no other desire in the world than to have a horse.

As her birthday approached she didn't waver. Her heart was set on a horse.

The big day arrived, and to Leah's great surprise her father had indeed gotten her a horse of her very own. It was white. It was a stallion. It was beautiful. It was everything Leah could have wished for. Except that it wasn't breathing, she couldn't ride it, and it was ceramic!

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Wedding Dress

I made my first visit to the Abbott's new house today. While I was there Leah asked me if I'd like to see a little of what they've managed to salvage from their previous home. She opened the garage door, and I quickly understood why the items from their former life weren't inside the house. Collectively they smelled too much like smoke to make it any further than the garage.

Leah pointed out various items here and there, but when she mentioned her wedding dress from her first marriage I couldn't resist the temptation to see it. Leah obliged and began to unwrap the packaging where the dress had been stored for years. As she did she couldn't help talking about the memories surrounding the dress, describing how her mother and sister had made it for her from several different patterns in order to get the dress precisely right.

This is what she found as she opened the box.


As a whole the dress is still intact, but parts of the thick satin fabric have been scorched beyond repair.


This is the veil she wore which laid out several feet to match the length of the train on the dress (six feet I think Leah said).


It was a bit emotional to dig through the box discovering the damage for the first time, and I worried that maybe it had been too soon to ask to see the contents of the box. It only reminded Leah that what she was holding in her hands was all that she had left from that occasion, as pictures from the event had burned with the house. "I wanted my sons to have proof of that marriage to their father." She was pretty discouraged.

But then she saw the framed wedding announcement. It was still wet, but should hopefully dry out without too much damage. A small consolation, yes. But it was something concrete that proves that marriage happened, and for now any consolation is being seen as a blessing!

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Still climbing!

I'd also like to point out that the thermometer has passed the $600 mark! Now that's something you can all be proud of! :)


The Dilemma

I've been getting several emails from people looking to donate items, but not really sure if they are things the Abbotts can use or not. I've come up with what I hope is going to be an awesome solution! :) We're going to hold a charity yard sale in June and all proceeds will go to the Abbotts.

The Solution!

What this means is that I need donations from anyone and everyone who has stuff they're looking to get rid of. For those of you holding yard sales between now and mid June feel free to bring whatever you have leftover to me instead of taking it to DI or throwing it out. For those of you just looking to do some spring cleaning, bring your unwanted items to me and I'll get rid of it for you. You can feel great knowing you're doing something wonderful for someone who really needs it at the same time you're cleaning out your garage, closets, etc and reclaiming some of your space back! :)

I'll be taking donations now, and once I see the direction this is going to take I'll be setting a firm date. For now I'm thinking early to mid June. Contact me at for details on where you can drop donations off.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Keep 'em coming!

We're over halfway to our goal of $1000! We're up to $540 now. Keep up the great work. Every little bit helps! :)

More Salvaging

We're in this together

When Leah and Tom got married they were given a couple of sculptures. One was a cast of two hands clasped together with wedding bands on each hand. The other was a pair of love birds. One sat on the piano (which no longer exists) and the other sat on a table next to the couch (which also no longer exists). After digging through a foot and a half of debris they found the sculptures. They were broken, but they're pretty sure they have all of the pieces. Leah intends to put them back together and use them in her new home. The sculptures have turned into more than just a lovely gift. The promise that Leah and Tom have made to each other to stick together regardless of what happens is much more poignant now.

Before the firemen arrived...

When the fire first broke out it spread fast and the smoke and flames were pretty hard to miss. Men passing by jumped out of their vehicles and ran to the yard asking the family what they could do to help. They began grabbing whatever they could get their hands on and pulled it away from the home. Their quick actions saved the patio furniture, a grill, the lawn mower and a can of gas.

You'd better believe the family enjoys using their patio furniture now that the weather has turned nice. It's something familiar that belongs to them!

The Kitchen Fairy

For this story to have any meaning you have to understand a bit of Tom's upbringing. He's got really strong Italian roots, and he's mean enough in the kitchen to prove it! He's been pretty serious about cooking from a very young age. So their kitchen has always had every kitchen gadget you can possibly imagine. And more importantly he knows how to use all of those fancy kitchen gadgets!

Leah's sister invited them to take a look at some of the kitchen items that she had on hand that she didn't think she was going to be needing. Apparently she had a lot of the same tools that the Abbotts were accustomed to using. They are so grateful and excited to have cooking utensils that look and feel so much like what they had. It's almost as if their own stuff had been set aside for them. Now Leah calls her sister the Kitchen Fairy!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Wow I turn my back for one day and we're up to $520! I know I keep saying it, but you guys are just awesome!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Moving on up!

We're up to $350! How exciting is that? :)

2 weeks later...

There are a few things I'd like to pass on. Some of them are funny. Some of them are not so much. But it's all part of the story, and it needs to be told.

The Hunting Party

The other day I was asked to check for a package that might have arrived at the house across the field from me. It was extremely reminiscent of I Am Legend, where the remains of what life was like before tragedy struck were evident everywhere. Even in the middle of the afternoon it felt strange and eery. There was a deep sense of loss. Like something had died. Maybe I was just inventing things in my mind. Maybe I'm just too close to the situation now. Either way, my home seemed warm and inviting as I returned from my errand!

Tom, Leah, and Chad have been picking through their house little by little. It's been such a huge undertaking, and they're finding that looking at the house as a whole is too overwhelming, a method that doesn't seem to be very effective.

They've changed their plan of attack and are now trying to take it room by room. First they try to identify what was in one particular room to begin with and then pick through it thoroughly hoping that things really are where they left them. Not only are most of the objects in the rubble unidentifiable, but many things are not where they left them. If you've ever seen someone operate a fire hose you know there's a lot of power in those suckers, and things moved all around the house while the firefighters did their job. Let's just add one more complication, right?

So the work commences on the house today and tomorrow. You might ask yourself, "At what point do you give up and just finish tearing the thing down?" I don't know the answer because I've never had my house burn down. Leah often tells me that nobody's given her a handbook on what you're supposed to do in the event you lose everything in a fire. There aren't any hard and fast rules. I think anything the Abbotts can find that they have some ownership over means the world right now. I know that for me personally there are some things, like my wedding ring for instance, that I would be willing to dig through ashes and rubble if there were any chance that it had survived.

Gourmet Dinner

Now I have to share about dinner last night. They have been given some great stuff to help them start over again. But they've only been in the house since Monday. So it's not like they're used to the things that they have yet. To them it still feels like someone else's stuff that they're using.

Leah was determined to make a nice beef stroganoff dinner for her family. She had all of the ingredients and she was prepared...until she realized the pans which were so generously given to them were too small for what she was doing. No problem. Leah's ingenuity has gotten her out of tight fixes before. So she had to boil more than one pan of pasta. A little inconvenient, but she's just so grateful to have anything at all to cook with that she's not complaining!

Then came the can of beef. There's no can opener in the house. One of the many small conveniences you don't think about until you don't have one. She does have a tool that punches holes in the can though. So she began to use that thinking she'd just have to make several holes in order to get the lid off. Inconvenient sure, but she's not complaining because 5 days ago she had nothing.

The first few punches were going smoothly, but the integrity of the can began to be compromised as she punched away. Pretty soon the juice was flying everywhere, but she ignored it because surely she was almost done! Just a few more punches, right? Sort of.

The last remaining punches were of course the hardest since she couldn't get a good grasp on the can any longer. By the time she was done she had beef chunks and juice all over herself!

A pretty ridiculous ordeal for dinner, but don't worry. After getting herself cleaned up she presented a lovely meal to her family who oohed and aahed appropriately over it!

Whose stuff is this?

You know that disoriented feeling you get sometimes when you wake up in a strange place and forget where you are? The Abbott's surroundings aren't familiar enough yet that it feels like home. It's hard for them to accept that the new things in their new house are really theirs. Tom asked Leah, "Soooo....if we ever move do we take the couches with us?" One of the many things in their lives right now that is just going to take some time to get used to!

Update on Donations

We're up to $340. That's awesome! Rent is due today and while it won't cover the entire amount (we're short $160) it'll help! So keep the donations coming in. No amount is too small. $3 donated is $3 more than the family would have had. Maybe they can even buy a can opener once rent is taken care of! :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

One thing at a time

Tom's Surgery

There have been some inquiries about Tom's surgery. It's been delayed for now. There are some concerns about his heart, and now an ECHO needs to be done and another consult with the surgeon before they'll operate. So wish them luck on that while they do some more waiting.

The Magical Miracle Blessing Bed

I've mentioned before that Tom suffers from some pretty bad sleep apnea. He falls asleep in the strangest places because he's never very well rested. He doesn't reach the REM cycle in his sleep so he's dragging around exhausted all day long. I'll tell you what, I'll never take a good night's sleep (or even a mediocre night's sleep for that matter!) for granted again!

One of the things that's been donated to the Abbotts is a sleep number bed. Fancy right? They think so too! Leah had been out running errands (didn't I just make that sound normal and everydayish?) related to the fire and she wasn't home to see the new bed. When she came in and Tom told her about it she didn't believe him. So imagine her surprise when sure enough there's this really great bed just for them!

Leah doesn't often talk about her own health problems. Her concern is all for Tom. But she has MS which has given her some bad back pain as well. She has several discs in her spine which need to be operated on. But she's got some blood clotting issues which don't make her a good candidate for surgery at all. So she gets to live with the pain instead. When she first wakes up and tries to get out of bed it usually takes her several breaths to work through the pain in her back before she can even function.

So you can see that sleep is an issue for the couple!

Whoever donated the bed knew that it needed to be something really good in hopes of giving them some comfort at last. Well they shouldn't be disappointed! Leah calls it the Magical Miracle Blessing Bed. Tom finally slept for a few hours midday, then turned around and got a full night's sleep, and Leah woke up without the intense pain that she dreads dealing with every morning. This was all uninterrupted sleep which NEVER happens for them! They feel well rested for the first time in years!


The Abbotts have been so grateful for all of the help they've received so far. They claim they've never been more humbled. So for those of you donating and helping where you can, just know that they try to express their gratitude, but never feel like it's adequate.

They thought they were receiving some assistance for their first month's rent and deposit on their new place. However they just found out yesterday that the money they were counting on won't be coming through after all. Rent is due the 8th. That's tomorrow. All donations that have been contributed so far will be transferred to their account today in order to help out with rent. If you've been keeping track we're up to $190 now. I don't know what kind of rent they pay, but I'm pretty sure $190 won't cover it. However it will help. As will any amount anyone can give between now and tomorrow.

Thanks again for all of the help you've given so far. People are pretty darn awesome!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tracking Progress

I've added a donation thermometer on the side bar to track how much we've raised so far. We're at $160 right now, but I'm hoping that with the recent news story we'll be able to reach $1000 by June 5th.
I know the economy has made things tight for a lot of people financially speaking, but the good news is that we're supposed to see an upswing again in 2009 (or so the experts say). So here's to helping me reach my new goal!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Making News

So we made the news tonight! Sam Penrod from ksl was kind enough to do an interview today in the hopes of getting the blog a little more attention. (Sam is the same one who interviewed my husband Riley when the fire first broke out. Now my four year old is asking when he'll get his turn to be on the news!) I've already been getting phone calls and emails from people just since the story aired this evening. So it seems to be doing just what I'd hoped as far as getting more attention. Hopefully that will generate more traffic which can only be good for Tom and Leah I figure!
I've included the link to the story on the side bar, but here it is again just for good measure.

Moving along one step at a time

When my husband and I first moved into the area about a year ago we had a week old baby and I was recovering from a c-section all while trying to move and unpack boxes. We quickly learned that we had awesome neighbors all around us who wanted to help bring dinner and watch kids and help in whatever way they were needed. It seemed like we'd moved into a great neighborhood and I'll admit I kept waiting for the catch. It all seemed kind of Stepford-ish!

Better than Stepford because it's real

So far there hasn't been any catch. :) I've decided that people are just people. Nobody's perfect, but most people are just trying to live life and be basically good people. I don't have permission to use names so I'm not going to right now. But I wanted to share a little of what's being done for the Abbott family.

Most people I've talked to didn't even know there was anyone living in the house. Tom and Leah are quiet neighbors who can't get around much. They are both mobile, but have to be careful how much they exert themselves physically. Leah has been diagnosed with MS among other issues. Tom has severe back pain from his degenerative disc disease and is currently fighting tumors on his kidneys not to mention other issues he has related to sleep apnea. Their son Chad has been a huge help in doing things for them that they can't do themselves.

Getting involved

When people in the neighborhood found out there was a need they jumped into action I don't know everything that everyone's done but I'll share what I do know. I know of someone who immediately began collecting and tracking down items to furnish a house with. I know some of those items were donated by other neighbors. They are in the process of doing another reassessment of what they still need for the Abbotts. If you live locally and have something you'd like to donate feel free to email me, and I can give you this person's contact info as he'll know what's still needed.

The Dogs

I also know that Tom and Leah have someone who was actively looking for a new place for them to live. Tom and Leah have two dogs, Maggie and Jax. So they needed someplace that would allow their dogs to come along too. Maggie and Jax are members of the family and while they aren't certified, they act as service dogs for the couple. On more than one occasion the dogs have alerted Leah when Tom's blood sugar level has gotten dangerously low. (Did I mention that he's insulin dependent? Just add that one to the list!) Some have asked why they don't just give the dogs up since they're not really in a position to be choosy about where they live. But the dogs are more valuable than that. This person understood that and spent days looking for a home where the dogs would be welcome and would have room to run around.

The new house

And speaking of the new home, the Abbotts were able to get in yesterday which is earlier than they originally thought. Mostly they were waiting until their phone could get hooked up before moving in. With so many medical problems they can't afford to be without a phone. Someone in the neighborhood set up a temporary cell phone for them to be able to use so they could get in a couple of days early.


I've been amazed by the people who have donated so far. I'm pretty sure most of you have never even heard of the Abbotts until now. I just want to thank you and let you know you've become a part of this story too!

What it's all about

I just mention these things to show that there are a lot of really good people out there. It's exciting to see the example of others helping out where they can. Leah once mentioned to me that she was so humbled by the help they're receiving and commented that she'd like to try to pay everything back when they're able. I told her no way! That's not what this is about. We're not giving out loans. We're helping because we can and because we want to. Then she responded, "Well then I'll just try to pay it forward whenever I can!" And I think that's what it's about. I think we do what we can when we can and do our best to take care of each other. Hopefully it makes someone's life a little bit better along the way!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The hardest part...

"The hardest part of all of this isn't losing our stuff. It's being helpless to help ourselves. It's very weird. What do you do when you have nothing?"





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Friday, May 1, 2009

Working out the kinks...:)

So there were some problems today with people being able to access the page. I think I've found the problem, and as a result there's now only one "donate" button. This one should allow you to enter specific amounts so it still serves the same purpose, just in a simplified form. Imagine that!

We've already had some donations come in and I hope to figure out a way to track it on this page so everyone can see how much we're getting.

And speaking of donations, I just have to say that our local Kohlers grocery store is awesome. They gave the Abbotts a gift card for groceries. I was so excited when the manager told me he'd donate something that I forgot to ask how much! But really any little bit helps so I'm totally justified in my excitement!
The Piano *sigh*

When Leah was 10 years old she was given a piano for her birthday. She has moved around a lot throughout her life both as a child and as an adult. And you'd better believe the piano went with her! She claims it's moved from the east coast to the west coast twice! It was so heavy and moved so often that over the years they wised-up and actually made a special dolly for it. The frame of the dolly survived the fire, complete with melted wheels. The piano however did not.

Typical of this couple is the positive spin on a heartbreaking least Tom doesn't have to move it anymore!

Now some really great news!

Yesterday afternoon Tom and Chad were at the house again digging through the remains. The house is big enough and Tom's degenerative disc problems with his back make it pretty slow going when they search. So it's taking a while to even establish what might have survived.

Leah was particularly worried about one room that had some precious heirlooms and family photographs. Well guess what they found yesterday! An entire box of baby pictures that the fire hadn't touched and heirloom dishes that have been passed down for generations in Leah's family! There is some water damage, but at least the fire didn't get to them. Who knew when we saw the roof collapse over that room that it would actually protect those irreplaceable items?


There's good news on the housing front too. The Abbotts have found a place in Highland to rent. I'm really glad that they'll be sticking around. They've got pretty strong roots in Florida so I was afraid they'd be heading back. So I'm relieved that they found a place to live, but I'm really excited that they'll still be living close by! For now the Red Cross is putting them up in a room until Wednesday when they can move in. Hurray for the Red Cross!


I also wanted to share some things that are going on with Tom. This upcoming week Tom will be getting an epidural for his spine. And then Friday he'll be going in for surgery to take care of the tumors growing on his kidney. If you're the praying type please remember Tom and his family. If you're the crossing your fingers and toes type then do that too!