Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Moving along one step at a time

When my husband and I first moved into the area about a year ago we had a week old baby and I was recovering from a c-section all while trying to move and unpack boxes. We quickly learned that we had awesome neighbors all around us who wanted to help bring dinner and watch kids and help in whatever way they were needed. It seemed like we'd moved into a great neighborhood and I'll admit I kept waiting for the catch. It all seemed kind of Stepford-ish!

Better than Stepford because it's real

So far there hasn't been any catch. :) I've decided that people are just people. Nobody's perfect, but most people are just trying to live life and be basically good people. I don't have permission to use names so I'm not going to right now. But I wanted to share a little of what's being done for the Abbott family.

Most people I've talked to didn't even know there was anyone living in the house. Tom and Leah are quiet neighbors who can't get around much. They are both mobile, but have to be careful how much they exert themselves physically. Leah has been diagnosed with MS among other issues. Tom has severe back pain from his degenerative disc disease and is currently fighting tumors on his kidneys not to mention other issues he has related to sleep apnea. Their son Chad has been a huge help in doing things for them that they can't do themselves.

Getting involved

When people in the neighborhood found out there was a need they jumped into action I don't know everything that everyone's done but I'll share what I do know. I know of someone who immediately began collecting and tracking down items to furnish a house with. I know some of those items were donated by other neighbors. They are in the process of doing another reassessment of what they still need for the Abbotts. If you live locally and have something you'd like to donate feel free to email me, and I can give you this person's contact info as he'll know what's still needed.

The Dogs

I also know that Tom and Leah have someone who was actively looking for a new place for them to live. Tom and Leah have two dogs, Maggie and Jax. So they needed someplace that would allow their dogs to come along too. Maggie and Jax are members of the family and while they aren't certified, they act as service dogs for the couple. On more than one occasion the dogs have alerted Leah when Tom's blood sugar level has gotten dangerously low. (Did I mention that he's insulin dependent? Just add that one to the list!) Some have asked why they don't just give the dogs up since they're not really in a position to be choosy about where they live. But the dogs are more valuable than that. This person understood that and spent days looking for a home where the dogs would be welcome and would have room to run around.

The new house

And speaking of the new home, the Abbotts were able to get in yesterday which is earlier than they originally thought. Mostly they were waiting until their phone could get hooked up before moving in. With so many medical problems they can't afford to be without a phone. Someone in the neighborhood set up a temporary cell phone for them to be able to use so they could get in a couple of days early.


I've been amazed by the people who have donated so far. I'm pretty sure most of you have never even heard of the Abbotts until now. I just want to thank you and let you know you've become a part of this story too!

What it's all about

I just mention these things to show that there are a lot of really good people out there. It's exciting to see the example of others helping out where they can. Leah once mentioned to me that she was so humbled by the help they're receiving and commented that she'd like to try to pay everything back when they're able. I told her no way! That's not what this is about. We're not giving out loans. We're helping because we can and because we want to. Then she responded, "Well then I'll just try to pay it forward whenever I can!" And I think that's what it's about. I think we do what we can when we can and do our best to take care of each other. Hopefully it makes someone's life a little bit better along the way!

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